We offer most economical Ludhiana to Firozpur taxi service. At Ludhiana taxi service, we are committed to ensuring our cabs are running at top efficiency, and are the safest cabs on the road. So, our vehicles undergo regular service to ensure they are always in good mechanical condition. Our taxi is devoted to dealing with customer’s orders in a timely and professional manner. The company is the most prestigious taxi hire in Ludhiana city.
At Udhiana taxi service, clients will benefit from affordable and convenient transportation services from Ludhiana to ferozpur and the surrounding areas. Clients can look forward to jumping into our well-maintained vehicles that are available when you need them the most.
Ludhiana to Firozpur taxi cost
- Ludhiana to Firozpur taxi sedan: 2600 Rs
- Ludhiana to Firozpur taxi SUV: 3700 Rs

The distance between Ludhiana and Firozpur (ferozepur Punjab) is 125 kilometer and it takes around 3 hours to complete this route. We guarantee a high-quality Ludhiana to Firozpur taxi service at pocket-friendly prices. With reliable cabs that are well maintained to ensure comfort and safety. Air conditioning, Wi-Fi and drinking water will be provided for free the entire time you travel with us.
We also take pride in servicing our visitors that fly in from all around the world to Ludhiana airport. We offer airport car services to both Ludhiana International Airport, local distances and planned long distances. As a dynamic taxi company in Ludhiana, we take pride in our work and treat all of our client with the utmost level of professionalism for Ludhiana to Fizorpur taxi. We want to make sure that you and your family, as well as your friends and business colleagues, are exactly where you want to be.
Our service is available 24 hours a week, 365 days a year anywhere in Ludhiana just call us 9872098662.